Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Lost my giggawiggy!!!

The average person calls them flashdrives. And let’s face it; many of us have become very dependent on them because we store everything we know on there. If you don’t think you are overly reliant on a flashdrive, think about what would happen if you lost it. A-HA! More important than you thought, huh?
My wife is not what you would call techno-savvy. While I’m on the phone with others talking about gigabytes, drive speeds and other BASIC (yes, basic) tech terms, she rolls her eyes and says I sound like a nerd. Then she mocked me – “Hey, check out my new giggawiggy!” Hence the term.
AAAAAAAAaaaaand we’re back
I keep telling myself that I should put a password protect on my flashdrive, but nothing motivates me to do it. Well, I’m here to tell ya brother, losing it will. You become like a crack addict looking for a misplaced child. “Oh, baby, I’ll protect you, if I find you I won’t never let you get away again!!!!” FYI, I go on the same rampage when one of my kids loses the remote control. “No, no, no, please God, not the remote! I’m sorry I skipped church! I’m sorry I yelled at my wife! I’ll do anything if you just shine a light on my remote control!! You could swear that a chorus of angels begins to sing when you finally find it.
I begin thinking of all the horrible things that could be happening to my poor lost giggawiggy. Somebody could be putting it in their own computer, looking through and reading my files, checking out my personal info. Though really, if it was a cell phone, wouldn’t somebody do that so they could find out who it belongs to? Even worse, my giggawiggy could be sitting there, all alone, on the side of the street staring at the cars going by. That thought just keeps me up at night.
As it turns out, I forgot to take my flashdrive out of my pants pocket before tossing them in the hamper. Despite me not hearing the screams and cries from under a pile of clothes, I was able to eventually trace back my steps and find it – four hours after I lost it. Remember that scene from the Warner Bros cartoon? “I’m going to love him and pet him and squeeze him………”? Our reunion was reminiscent of that, and I’m not embarrassed. Now I just have to find a decent protection for muh BAY-BEE………..

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