Thursday, November 24, 2016

Well, it happened....

I hate election years. Just hate them. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a liberal and I'm surrounded by conservatives or if it's just because it brings out the worst in EVERYONE. I think the sad thing is that people are just uninformed. People read headlines, not articles. No one checks facts, or digs into root causes. I'm a root cause kind of guy. It's why my HR investigations take so long. People share news items or memes on social media without thinking of the consequences because, "it's important that people know how I feel". Maybe because no one has ever told them, "I don't give a shit what you think".

But we did it. We just put a child in the White House. Seriously, he's not a grown man. Twitter fights? Check. Bashing a comedy show that makes fun of him, EVEN THOUGH HE HOSTED SAID SHOW? Check. Calling actors names like "fat pig" and shaming sexual assault victims because they're not attractive enough? Can do. Co-mingling business with his political career? Done. And he's not ashamed and he has people defending what he did. 

Look, I'm not going to try to defend those folks that cried all day and hugged puppies in their safe space. I mean, if you're not white and male, I get where it comes from. But to hear people that fly confederate flags (because "heritage") tell me to "get over it because you lost" is THE most ironic thing that's happened. Most of them are just too stupid to realize it. They bitched and moaned every time Obama farted and now they don't understand why we can't just go along and give him a chance? Kiss my ass. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving. 

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