Sunday, April 13, 2008


Long time between posts. Has my brain been empty? Yeah, sort of.

No doubt you’ve seen the Bud Light commercials that feature only one word. The commercial follows around an individual as he goes to a football game and he comments every time something bad happens. Someone breaks in line – “Dude!”, someone sounds off a bullhorn in his ear, “Dude!”, he walks into a bathroom stall that someone has just polluted, “Duuuude”. It’s especially funny to me because long before he was on Saturday Night Live, Rob Schneider used to talk about the word “dude” in his act, saying that it could literally display ANY emotion. But most of the time, this guy in the commercial is getting hosed, therefore he emits a frustrated tone with his “Dude!”.
Next time you pray, ask yourself if that’s what you’re doing. Are you bowing your head, and asking God, “Dude?”. You know you do. That’s when we all pray the most, when the Big Guy has thrown us a knee-buckling curve ball that we weren’t ready for – DUDE! I have a theory that I don’t think God minds this, even though his answer could be, “Oh, you’re talking to me again? How nice of you to drop by”. Much as we all like to make fun of the athlete who wins the MVP of the World Series and then proclaims, “Well, uh, first, you know, uh, I uh, have to credit to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, uh, you know, with him all things be possible!”, at least give him credit for giving it up when the gettin’ is good. Weed through the “uh” and “you know” sprinkled in there and what you have is someone who is giving an energized, fist-pumping, “DUDE!!!!”
Every now and then….. no, more often than that, make it a point to look up to he heavens to give God a positive, “Dude!”

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