Saturday, December 03, 2016

College football fans are stupid

Pick a message board for any college football team. Any team, it doesn't matter. There are about 125 fan bases right now wondering why they didn't have the season they thought they did.

"I don't understand why we can't be as good as "
"We should be playing for championships every year"
"Our QB/WR/CB is terrible"

No one THINKS they are an armchair quarterback. Everyone IS an armchair quarterback. And truth be told, the power boosters who actually run a program are not much different. It's just that they have money and influence.

The average Joe is just that at his job - average. And that's with no one taking to the internet to critique the jobs THEY do (by they way, I would literally pay money to see that as sitcom). The average Joe doesn't have the access or the know how to run a multi-million dollar business like a college football program. Yet there is no shortage of those who think they can.

So collectively, college football fans are stupid. Most of us are just some sad version of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite.

Saturday, November 26, 2016


I had already decided early in the season that whatever happened this first year with Kirby, I was going to overlook it. And I still feel that way. I know there are examples of coaches that come in the first year of a program and win in dominating fashion, but there are plenty of examples where they don't. Kirby said at the beginning of the season that the Bulldogs just did not have enough depth. Turns out he was right. Did he make mistakes? Absolutely. But Georgia has had seasons where, if a few key plays had not gone our way, we would be 8-4 instead of 10-2. I think we just hit it this year. Better times are ahead. Go Dawgs!

Friday, November 25, 2016

I'm a quitter

I did it. I quit Facebook. I didn't do it the right way - I didn't announce it and wait for the ensuing pity party, "OMG, please don't go, We'll miss you, BLAH BLAH BLAH". You see those every once in awhile and you want to scream. Facebook is making us all dumber and more narcissistic. It's not Facebook's fault. They probably had no idea (back when they started it)  that the average human is so self obsessed. So I just stopped.

I had been thinking about it for awhile. I mean, I had hidden so many people that it was just becoming a news feed for me. And there's certainly better ways to get news than FB. I couldn't believe how many people - people I thought were intelligent and decent - were spreading stories that are absolutely full of crap. But I guess if it fits the narrative of what they believe, well then it must be true. I don't know who said it. but some brilliant mind captured it. "If it ain't true, it ought to be". Even before the stories started coming out about FB's role in the election and how they spread fake news stories, I knew something was amiss. Collectively, we used to look down on Wikipedia for being a shady source of information. Turns out, that community does a better job of fact checking than the average moron. God forbid we verify the source of information we consume. That takes time, and most people don't have time to verify the regurgitated BULLSHIT that they spread. 

I will miss seeing updates and pictures from people I really care about, but it's not like connecting to people is that hard any more. I really don't have much of a presence on social media anyway. It's been almost two weeks and no one has noticed that I'm not on FB. So I can do one of two things. I can sign on again and say "I'm back, bitchez!" Apparently that's good for some egos. Or I can just stay off and consume information from better aggregates. Which is what I will do for now. In the meantime, you'll just have to let me know when Angelina Jolie gets caught in a three way with Drake and Paul Ryan. Egad.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Well, it happened....

I hate election years. Just hate them. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a liberal and I'm surrounded by conservatives or if it's just because it brings out the worst in EVERYONE. I think the sad thing is that people are just uninformed. People read headlines, not articles. No one checks facts, or digs into root causes. I'm a root cause kind of guy. It's why my HR investigations take so long. People share news items or memes on social media without thinking of the consequences because, "it's important that people know how I feel". Maybe because no one has ever told them, "I don't give a shit what you think".

But we did it. We just put a child in the White House. Seriously, he's not a grown man. Twitter fights? Check. Bashing a comedy show that makes fun of him, EVEN THOUGH HE HOSTED SAID SHOW? Check. Calling actors names like "fat pig" and shaming sexual assault victims because they're not attractive enough? Can do. Co-mingling business with his political career? Done. And he's not ashamed and he has people defending what he did. 

Look, I'm not going to try to defend those folks that cried all day and hugged puppies in their safe space. I mean, if you're not white and male, I get where it comes from. But to hear people that fly confederate flags (because "heritage") tell me to "get over it because you lost" is THE most ironic thing that's happened. Most of them are just too stupid to realize it. They bitched and moaned every time Obama farted and now they don't understand why we can't just go along and give him a chance? Kiss my ass. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

This election is so 2016

( originally posted 9/28/2016)
You know how you sometimes start a blog and then forget about it? Me, too.

I would give almost anything if we could zip through the next 6 weeks just to avoid election coverage. The first debate is tonight and it will bring out the worst in people afterwards. My candidate is awesome, yours is awful! The really jacked up folks will see an article online that says, " completely shuts down/destroys on and YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT". By the way, stop reading those. Those are what intelligent people call 'clickbait' and you're regarded as a moron for sharing it with other people. Ever have to click through twelve slides to get an answer to the question in the title? They work off of advertising hits/clicks and they're using you to do it. And if you do see someone sharing it in an email or on social media, scroll right on by. 

Election season also puts Snopes and Politifact in overdrive. I follow both of those sites and I'm always amazed at what I see. Some of the stuff they review I think, no way, nobody in their right mind would believe that. Lo and behold, it will inevitably pop up in one of my social media feeds. A tip from me to you, if you ever see a really questionable story on a web site, find the "about" section of the page. Make sure that A) it's not a satire site and B) they don't already have an agenda. I mean, is probably not going to do a story with a positive spin on Hilary Clinton ever, but where do they get their sources? From members? Any credible news sources? 

(if you answer "well the liberal media won't report on this....", please STAAAHHP. I'm going to have to beat you with Rosie O'Donnell's leather restraints. You know what the media reports on? Whatever gets the most clicks. That's right, you may be sick of hearing about Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem, but every time you click on the story or watch it on TV, you're telling that media conglomerate "I'm interested". That's called 'trending' and YOU are part of the problem, not the 'liberal media', dumbass)

Back to the election. My advice is this: whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or a Libertarian (ok, OR a Green Party follower), you will want to vote along party lines. I don't understand why it's such a badge of honor to say, "I NEVER vote for a party, I vote for the candidate". Well, that's great, but there's usually a reason each candidate has a party affiliation. Because they buy into the platform of that party. Sure, they get money from the party, but they largely agree on most issues. It's called compromising (something Congress has forgotten the last six years). You may not like any candidates this year, and you wouldn't be alone. But ask yourself this - what if 15 million Americans decided not to vote this year just because they have to hold their noses to do it? Then ask yourself what would be the worst case scenario if the candidate you hate the most wins? 

Spend some time reading the party platforms, look at the history of what candidates have done in previous terms (not from what they said on TMZ) and then vote. Also, spend some time reading about your state and local elections. You'd be surprised what kind of crazy stuff gets done in local governments.

Although, Mississippi recently said slavery was bad, so kudos to their legislature for finally getting on board.