Friday, February 11, 2011

Day.......yeah, I'm not keeping count

Well, Mark Richt and the Dawgs certainly had a better month than I did. In HR, we call it attracting talent. In college football, it's called "getting 17 and 18 year olds to commit to you, even though you went 6-7 last year". And since I doubt he's paying those kids, he certainly deserves a huge kudos for pulling in that haul of players. The only downside is watching running back Washaun Ealey implode from within. I'm not sure what's wrong with him, but he hasn't exactly displayed a very good grasp on 'think first/act second'. Regardless, I'm not really worried about him. Because this is what Richt excels at. I'm just certain that Jesus called coach up one day and said, "...and I especially want you to pay attention to those kids who are right on the edge, who are in desperate need of guidance, OK?" We all have a right to second guess Richt for kicking a field goal from the 2 yard line against Central Florida last year, but we've also admitted that HE'S THE GUY that we want in charge of our kids. So, if Ealey can be saved, then by golly the man that new Georgia RB Isaiah Crowell dubbed "a God-fearing dude" can do it. If not, he'll go the way of Zach Mettenberger, Michael Lemon, and a host of others that he tried to help out.

As for me, still looking for work. I've learned several things. First, no matter how many channels of TV you have, it still ain't enough. Even the interwebs has its limits. After a while, "fail" web sites don't make you laugh, even at others. So my advice to you is, if you're going to be out of work, make sure it's in the summertime.

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